Modern Marvels
With the introduction of the original Macintosh in 1984, the Amiga in 1985 and
the original NeXT Cube in 1988, the command-line interface began to fall out of
favor. This was driven home with the introduction in 1990 of Windows 3.0, which
would become tremendously popular, the first version of Windows to do so. Unlike
the 70's and 80's where the focus was on the hardware and actually making the
computers able to do things which were useful, the 90's focused more on the user
interface and the hardware had to play catch-up. No longer was software written
to the lowest commonly used system. Especially in the area of games, the software
was written to take advantage of every bit of hardware that was available. Moreso
than ever before, this caused a percieved need to constantly upgrade both hardware
and software. This page is for those systems made after 1990, systems like the
Power Macintosh 6100, which broke ground with a totally new processor family
designed jointly by Motorolla, Apple and IBM.
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